Saturday, December 8, 2012

Fusing the Individual into the Future of Fashion

Top: My design created using the D.dress ap on continuum // Bottom: Digitally rendered dresses by the public posted on continuum

There were jeggings... and Rocco's. Louboutin's signature soles... and The Row. There were long lines for high-low collaborations and the birth of online sample sales. There was interest in pinterest, Stella's Fallabella's ... and all that rage that ensued. What will be the next "big" trend? What would you like to see in the forefront of fashion? One duo's concept of customization makes a great case for the fashionable future...

A personal touch + A predesigned template = A wonderful work of art

What if the clothes you buy are tailored to fit impeccably, every time? Recently, I was introduced to Continuum Fashions, whose idea of "interactive, crowd sourced" fashion combined with a little computer aided technology makes for stylish wearables that fit. According to Mary Huang and Jenna Fizel, the founders of Continuum, "The future of fashion--It's not so much about style. It's the process that's significant."

Create a profile and customize your own clothing from digital photographs on Constrvct

Isn't that the truth! The internet marketplace has long replaced catalog shopping and door-to-door salespeople. With a couple clicks, people can buy, gift and ship just about anything. Carrying that idea forward, Continuum's CONSTRVCT site allows the general public to choose a silhouette, upload a photo and buy a custom-made garment, tailored to one's own measurements. Likewise, the D.Dress ap allows the general public to essentially "paint" one's own designs--from bikini to ball gown--onto a model using black triangular forms and software that fills in and prints out designs. 

The D.dress ap--from paint to print!

While the pick-and-pay retail methodology isn't particularly new, Continuum's model fuses each of the elements vital to brand success: unique, instant, customizable and flattering. Global fashion is trending towards a more interactive consumer model. With a little help from technology, a new cut-and-sew retail structure will emerge--this is only the beginning!

This week, I caught up to both Mary and Jenna of Continuum--Click HERE for the Q&A segment.


  1. It's insane where fashion could be headed! There's a really interesting exhibit going up soon at the Museum at FIT in NYC about the merge of technology and fashion throughout recent history. Seems like you'd like it!


  2. That is really quite interesting. So cool.

    Tiff Ima
    Style Honestly


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