Friday, July 26, 2024


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Diane Von Furstenberg: Woman in Charge installation
With vibrant flair and intentional sass, striking florals and bold geometric shapes wrap the walls of Diane von Furstenberg's West side flagship, echoing the essence of her signature dresses. Curated by Nicolas Lor, the installation features a stunning array of films, archival pieces, photographs and personal notes. This life-sized scrapbook is centered around four central themes: Feminism, Woman, Fashion and Freedom, complementing the documentary Diane Von Furstenberg: Woman in Charge released on June 25th. What a timely topic as we enter a presidential race with a woman on the ballot! Keep reading for a look inside...
The exhibit is a life-size scrapbook of DVF's journey

Exclusive photos and notes

"Fear is not an option"

Some new and some archival pieces

Free and open to the public until August 11. 

"Attitude is everything"

Looking in

Entryway between store + exhibit space

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